The best sparring classes in Brisbane are run by Bulldog Gym Brisbane. Bulldog Gym Brisbane is conveniently located on Brisbane’s northside in Virginia. Participants are encouraged to have a general understanding of boxing which they can obtain through our beginner’s kick boxing classes. This understanding will help them focus on different sparring drills on offer such as:
– Non-contact drills: To improve footwork, range and strengthen cover
– Basic defence drills: To work on blocking, parrying, slip straights, ducking, and rockaway hooks
– Counterpunch drills: To help better time turn reaction responses
– Move and punch drills: To focus on best punch delivery practises
– Move with defence drills: To focus on punch compression and feints
– Complete sparring drills: For more advanced participants to practise and progress all their sparring techniques in a ring environment
Our sparring classes are essential for those wishing to progress their boxing skills to a more professional level, but they also provide a platform for a great and varied workout for those not professionally inclined. Sparring skills are key to self-defence so are perfect for anyone looking for build upon their self-defence knowledge.